Happy Birthday To You In Korean
Happy Birthday To You In Korean. They are also the versions of "happy birthday" that appear on. You would need the following to congratulate people much, much older than you, such as grandparents. 생신 축하 드립니다 (saeng-shin chuk-ha deu-rim-ni-da).
Happy birthday dear Name of the birthday person. saeng-il chu-ka hae Happy Birthday to you.". But there are slight variations to. This expression is made up of the words 생일, which means 'birthday', and the verb 축하하다, which means 'to congratulate'.
In social networks, but also in personal conversations, you will find other expressions much more frequently.
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As you can see, this is the same as the previous way to say happy birthday, but with the polite ending'요' attached. But there are slight variations to. This name also means 'berry' in Latin.
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Veronica Cain
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